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Uvs lake

Uvs lake is located in northern side of the Great Lakes Depression in Uvs province.

Size wise,the saline lake is the largest  lake in Mongolia ,covering, at 760 m above sea level. It is considered as a remainder of a much larger sea that existed thousands of years ago.

Baruun turuun, Sagil and Tes are the major feeding rivers among the 38 rivers flowing to Uvs lake.

The lake is 84km long, 79 km wide, and 6m deep. The northeast tip of the lake is part of Russian territory.


Uvs lake is located in enderhoic basin, with no outflow. Because the basin lies at  the geo-climatic boundary between Siberia and Central Asia, temperatures vary−58 °C in winter to 47 °C in summer. Despite its harsh climate, it is home many species(173 species of bird and 44 species of mammals) including the globally endangered snow leopardargali, and Asiatic ibex

in 2003, Uvs lake basin was listed as the world heritage site by UNESCO.

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